Saturday, December 27, 2008

Gangsters (the new thing?)

Today we went to the grocery store and we saw a guy with REALLY baggy pants. They were pretty low then we thought about all the kids at school with baggy pants (once Mary was walking down the hallway to class and this kid was running down the hallway and his pants were soooooo low that they fell down yeah nice underwear I really wanted to see that) even kids in middle school and elementary school have baggy pants and call themselves gangsters its pretty sad. Then there are gangsters like Joba the Hut (STAR WARS). We finally decided why cant these people just pull up there pants and stop cussing every other word! Really not that kool so if you have baggy pants and call your self a gangster pull up your pants and tell your mom your sorry for turning out the opposite she wanted you to be and while your at it ask your grandma if you guys can make a cookie bakers club. Then maybe you can be a millionaire with baggy pants (but pull them up every once and a while).

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